New Look
Having been sidelined from fishing for a little while, I took it upon myself to give the site a bit of a makeover as I thought it needed sprucing up a bit. I do like to have a good old tinker, although not entirely proficient in the witchcraft that is coding, I’m more than happy to delve in and have a go; I mean, what’s the worse that can happen?
Undeterred, I ran a test blog and installed a fresh copy of WordPress along with ‘Panorama‘ a WordPress theme by ‘Themocracy‘. It was the only theme I found that was near enough to the way I wanted the site to look.
Once installed, I set about my tinkering and made a few changes – some minor and some not so minor – to the the theme until I was satisfied I had it the way I wanted. The most obvious changes are the colour scheme and background layout, the minor changes are the rounded corners on the blocks (Update. They’ve been removed for CSS validation purposes but I’m trying to find a work around by use of images) and dividers and other small graphics. The header image is a picture of Seven Sisters on the East Sussex coastline overlayed with a photo taken the year before last at Seaford, when I was out fishing with our son, Alex. The layers were toned down and given a shade of blurring and transparency to give the desired effect.
When I was satisfied, I had all the changes done, I copied all the relevant files, installed the new theme into the live blog, overwrote the theme files with the test copies and away we went. There’s just a few minor tweaks to be done under the bonnet but that’s it really. Now to go fishing.
Ahh…. did I mention the FPO’s new blog… I’m sure I did but just in case I forgot, it’s