Competition time
Saturday 29th September was the date, Widewater beach Shoreham was the venue. The occasion was a friendly meet/get together/competition organised by S.A.S. (Shoreham Angling Squad) and involving anglers from Sussex, Hampshire, Dorset, Kent and Essex.
I arrived at about 10am to see that there were already numerous participants mooching around the marquee waiting to snaffle the breakfast rolls that were being expertly prepared by club members ‘Mesito’ and ‘Bloated cod’. Once I’d scoffed a belter of a bun with bacon, sausage and egg, it was time to sign in, get my scorecard and await the walk off.
True to form, I was last to walk off and headed off to my chosen spot. (oh how I wish I’d gone right and not left). I set up my rods – one single hooked and baited with whole calamari and lobbed a few yards out, hoping for a prize winning bass. The other rod two hooked paternoster baited with lugworm and sent out about fifty yards or so. I sat back and thought positive thoughts.
Time passed slowly and uneventfully (apart from witnessing catches made by Mark_S fishing the next beach). Every so often the monotony was broken by absolutely nothing. I poured coffee, I shuffled my feet, I even began to wonder if I could count the boulders in the sea defences – nothing would provoke any fish into helping me win prizes.
Eventually, I had my first fish, a bass. Unfortunately this particular bass was not even anywhere near close to the 18cm minimum qualifying length. Neither were the next two I had. So three fish and none counted towards points.
After what seemed like five and half hours – oh that’s right, it was, the competition ended. I packed up and walked back to the marquee where I was greeted by the smell of burgers, hotdogs and Paella.
Anyway, the boring stuff was dealt with and the prizes handed out. At least I wasn’t going to be lumbered with carrying loads of goodies back to the car.
After being fully and totally stuffed with Mesito’s excellent Paella, it was time to bid farewell to the gathered motley crew and make my way home and back out of ‘Bandit country’.
A thoroughly enjoyable day spent with great folks, great food and no fish.