Crispy Whiting

By , 25 July, 2011 22:07

IngredientsPicture of dish - Crispy whiting
Whiting fillets (or any firm, white fish), cut into goujons
plain flour, mixed with some salt and pepper
1 egg, beaten
handful Panko Breadcrumbs

Press your goujons into the seasoned flour, shaking off any excess.
Dip in the egg.
Press firmly into the Panko.
Wash your hands before you feel the urge to scream.

Heat some olive oil and maybe a knob of butter in a frying pan, over a medium heat.
Place the coated fish goujons into the pan and fry until golden brown. I would love to be able to give you a time, but it’s impossible because the thickness of fish varies wildly. Think a couple of minutes and take it from there. Don’t let them burn though, hey?
Turn fillets over and fry until golden on the other side.
Serve with veg, rice, new potatoes.
And some sweet chilli sauce.

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Recipe taken from

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