Posts tagged: DVice

Bernard the Gurnard

By , 9 June, 2008 11:42

Wanting to make the most of the current weather and get out in the fresh air, I decided fish the East arm at Brighton Marina yesterday. On arrival at about 7.00pm, I managed to get a space in bay 20. It was a fabulous evening, no wind, flat sea, clear sky, lovely and warm; Not ideal for great fishing, but lovely to be out in.

First off, I decided to try for a few fresh mackerel to bolster the bait. Funnily enough, compared to the previous trip, there were none around. I managed a small joey which was put out live in the hope of a bass.

Picture of gurnardMy other rod was set up with a ledgered DVice and used either peeler crab or hermit crab. There was no action until the light faded, where almost like magic, bites started to occur. First fish was a very small smooth Hound pup. Next was a small thornback followed by yet another smooth Hound pup. Apart from the usual suspects – the Pout, the next fish of the night was a lovely little Tub gurnard. This made a welcome change and was the first I’ve had from the marina this year. It seemed as though someone flipped a switch because as soon as it started to become light, the bites stopped completely. I did have a quick go with the feathers for some more fresh mackerel – for the BBQ this time and not bait – but none seemed interested. I did see some movement but I suspect this was down to scad and not mackerel

I packed away all my gear and tidied up the area I was in before just sitting for a while enjoying the early dawn. Even at just gone 3am, there was enough light to see by. The air was completely still with not a breath of wind. The sea was as flat as it can get and only disturbed by the occasional fish breaking the surface. It’s time like this that I know just how lucky I am to be able to enjoy it.

My enjoyment of the session was somewhat spoiled as I walked back along the lower deck of the arm by the amounts of rubbish left by thoughtless people. These I presume, call themselves anglers but I prefer to call them selfish, filthy individuals who ruin it for others. They more than anyone else give angling a bad name and add ammunition for those who wish to ban this activity. They know who they are and should be ashamed of themselves. I picked up what I could and put it in the bags which are provided. It wasn’t difficult and surely not beyond the ability of those responsible.


By , 3 April, 2008 19:11

Last nightg was my  first session at Brighton Marina for 2008. Although not really the time of year to fish there, I wanted a change of scenery and it’s pretty local and an easy mark. Not the best of sea conditions either with it being neap tides and high water predicted for 9.30pm. Arriving at about 6pm, the sky was overcast but no wind to speak of. Water was still and very coloured like weak coffee.

Chose the East arm and opted for bay 16 where I set up. One rod was tackled with DVice on running ledger with size 1 hook baited with lugworm alternating with ragworm. Second rod tackled with running ledger size 3/0 baited with half mackerel fillets.

Only fish of the night were 5 Bearded rockling and Pout which all took the worm baits. No touches on the larger bait.

Disappointing results but at least I was somewhere else and it made a change. Roll on the end of the month…….

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